Implications for Healthcare Executives Post COVID-19
Written by Charles (Chuck) Stokes
The emotional and financial implications for healthcare organizations will be significant and possibly overwhelming. Prior to the pandemic, the industry was already facing workforce shortages, financial stress, payment reform, indigent care and social disparities. These are daunting issues in and of themselves. Our industry and country will be forever changed as a result of this crisis. After the dust settles, dealing with employees and physicians who have lost patients and colleagues caring for patients, lost their jobs, decimated their retirement plans and hospital financials in shambles, will result in its own version of "organizational post-traumatic stress syndrome". The road to recovery is going to be painful and challenging.
Often after devastating events, there is the "The Blame Game"...with plenty of Monday morning quarterbacking. We should perform a system-wide and industry-wide root cause analysis of our performance to be better prepared for the next crisis. However, what everyone will need is a healing and supportive culture from governance and leadership to get the organization refocused on mission and sustainability. This will be a defining moment for leadership at all levels to show its employees and medical staff how important they are to the organization. Otherwise, organizations may see mass exodus if their physicians and employees feel they were not supported or organizational efforts to keep them safe were not put in place during the pandemic. Caregiver horrors of this event will not be easily forgotten.
Executive leadership will need to explain the "go forward plan" in an honest, straight forward, transparent, fact-based manner with a multifaceted communication plan. Employees and physicians are smart, resilient individuals so no need for sugar coating, just sincere and compassionate communication. Say it for 100 days in 100 ways.
We are in awe of all caregivers; those who support caregivers, our physicians, nurses, first responders and others who put their lives and the well being of their loved ones on the line every day to battle this pandemic. Words are inadequate to express our gratitude. Let's make sure we protect our staff by following evidenced based safety guidelines and providing the necessary equipment to minimize the adverse risk and harm to our caregivers, patients and our community.