Creating High-Reliability Solutions

Things to consider as you grow your skills and further your career.

Posts tagged Leadership
Leadership’s Impact on the Employee Experience

It is said that every employee goes through seven stages while working at any given company. Those stages include initial attraction to a company or a role, being hired by that company, their onboarding experience, the employee’s engagement and performance, the development of the employee and finally, the employee’s departure from the company.

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Professional Assessment Tests Impact HROs

Healthcare systems have increasingly turned to the High Reliability Organization (HRO) model to address the continued occurrence of patient harm and risks to patient safety. Leaders play a crucial role in creating a successful HRO culture, maintaining set standards and employing highly engaged, intrinsically motivated caregivers in order to improve the success rate of the HRO. One way to improve the quality of an HRO is to hire the right leaders. Professional assessment tests play an imperative role in finding the right leader for the right role.

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Don't Forget to Lead

Pressed to create a company culture in which each team member is encouraged, supported and motivated to further the company and carry the company brand, leaders often find themselves lost in their leadership, unable to truly lead. Their daily to-do lists read like a coach’s board, a confused mix of virtual moves and notes with no discernible real advancement. And in an age of constant disruption coming from rapidly changing digital tools, a lack of time to truly anticipate, envision and lead can spell the difference between success and company failure.

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