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The Advancement of Technology and Care of Patients in the Home Environment

Data and resource sharing will continue to spread across platforms and facilities. Wearables and home monitoring will add to the integration of data for individuals. Over time, the home will increasingly become the center of care through increased use of telemedicine and technological advancements. Artificial intelligence, point-of-care diagnostics, and wearable biometric monitoring will expedite the decentralization of care, especially in our ever-changing post-COVID world.

AI in Post-COVID Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence has also made headway during the pandemic. While AI refers to the use of complex algorithms designed to perform certain tasks in an automated fashion, the possibilities are endless, such as drug discovery; diagnostics; data sifting; clinical trials; and pain management, all of which can improve the patient experience and outcome in a manner that is both efficient and cost-effective.

However, many healthcare leaders are too hesitant to experiment with AI due to privacy concerns, data integrity concerns or the unfortunate presence of various organizational silos making data sharing next to impossible. Much like each of the new arenas of healthcare that are taking a front seat in the Post-COVID world, there are obstacles that need to be overcome. Some of these obstacles include initial adoption struggles on a widespread basis, data privacy concerns, compliance issues, stakeholder hesitations, clinical support, and producing easy-to-use output.

Virtual Reality in Post-COVID Healthcare

 “In medicine and healthcare, digital technology could help transform unsustainable healthcare systems into sustainable ones, equalize the relationship between medical professionals and patients, provide cheaper, faster and more effective solutions for diseases,” according to the Medical Futurist. One of the newest advancements is in virtual reality (VR). VR is being used to train future surgeons and doctors, boosting performance up to 230%, and helping with pain management as patients are engaged in viewing soothing landscapes. Augmented reality, which differs from VR in that users do not lose touch with reality, and it allows medical students to access detailed and accurate depictions of the human anatomy in order to study it without the need for real bodies.

Records Technology in Post-COVID Healthcare

With the improvements in data storage, management, and transmission, information is made available to professionals and patients, making it possible to develop better, more informed medical decisions. Electronic health records also allow for improved efficiency and delivery of healthcare to remote or inaccessible locations, streamlining processes, improving patient outcomes, and reducing costs.

The increased use of Mobile apps decreases physician stress by reducing filing, record maintenance, and other mundane tasks. In addition, they can give appropriate individuals an alert regarding possible drug interactions and evidence-based uses, efficiently and cost-effectively. Electronic health records have been successful in reducing adverse events due to communication errors, accessibility to multiple fields, and monitoring allergies and sensitivities, particularly if the patient is unconscious. These healthcare advancements are unique to developed countries and for those who have yet to access the technologies are discovering the untapped potential in the upcoming home technologies.

Wearables in Post-COVID Healthcare

Wearables, such as smart watches, fitness trackers, smart glasses, bio-patches, and other monitoring devices address the needs presented by overcrowded hospitals and declining physician counts. They are being utilized for continuous monitoring of chronically ill patients, soldiers in combat, firemen, pilots, premature babies, structural health monitors, soft robotics, prosthetics etc.

Wearables are being used to track COVID-19 symptoms like heart rate, pulse ox, and temperature. In addition, with the risk to those 65 and older, wearable technology and telemed advancements are being utilized to keep exposure and risk of COVID-19 transmission to a minimum. According to Julien Blin, the importance of wearable technology during COVID means “wearables worn by patients in their hospital room, in transit or at home, can now automatically alert healthcare staff members in real time. Staff members can leverage clinical mobility solutions, such as handheld devices or smartwatches with collaboration and messaging solutions, to communicate with each other and take the proper measures to check on a patient in need.”

Wearables come with a few obstacles including patient usage; data privacy and regulation compliance; user-friendly interfaces; quality control and trans-brand consistency; and tracking the immense load of data wearables create. Despite these issues however, “a recent report from Research and Markets predicts global sales of wearable devices will exceed $60 billion by 2025.”

Point-of-Care Diagnostics in Post-COVID Healthcare

Point of Care Diagnostic tools (POCD), or medical testing conducted in real-time at the point of care, are increasing in number and usage, especially in low-income and resource-limited areas. While still in the research and development stage for many arenas, POCD will continue to grow as the technology grows due to the cost, wireless capabilities (thereby reducing transcription errors), and time effectiveness of these measures. POCDs include blood-glucose and cardiac biomarkers which can detect infectious diseases, like COVID-19. Nano biosensors, a form of POCD, are a leading way to monitor cancer and disease load in underserved communities.

One drawback in the use of POCDs is the need for in-the-field literacy and comprehension to understand the mechanisms and results. When using these devices in under-resourced communities, this can become a hindrance and even a danger. POCDs may be better used in a clinical setting. However, many patients in under-resourced communities do not want the stigma of being diagnosed with a disease, the cost of treatment, or the travel needed to get to the testing site or clinic. This also makes some physicians hesitant to use them. 

One of the major disadvantages of POCT is lab errors, which can be as high as 65% of the tests due to the lack of quality control measures. Testing is oftentimes conducted by under-trained techs who do not conduct these tests with any warranted frequency. Finally, deploying multiple types/makes/ models of devices to various hospital departments, clinics, and physician offices compounds errors and requires different procedures for each device.


As HC costs rise to a predicted 25% of the US GDP and the number of physicians decreases, doctors’ schedules are packed so tightly that the human aspect of healthcare is all but gone. Healthcare technology is rising to fill the gap with advancements that are cost effective, time effective, and user-friendly. The technology is advancing such that individuals can diagnose symptoms via Google or Alexa which interface with the POCD the devices to receive home care treatment advice and trigger a physician review. Physicians willing to embrace the growing field of healthcare technology will be the first to see advantages to their patients, their financials, and their calendar.