Mark Chassin, MD, FACP, MPP, MPH
Dr. Chassin is one of the world’s leading experts in healthcare quality, patient safety, and process improvement. Before stepping down at the end of 2021, he was President and CEO of The Joint Commission for 14 years, leading the world’s pre-eminent healthcare standard-setting and accrediting body. Under his leadership, The Joint Commission enjoyed unprecedented growth worldwide in the number of accredited healthcare organizations, documentation of the positive impacts of accreditation on healthcare quality, and financial performance. In addition, Dr. Chassin introduced the concepts of high reliability and zero harm to health care. He directed the creation of The Joint Commission of programs that disseminated strategies, tools, and training programs for healthcare organizations to speed their progress toward high reliability. In 2022, Dr. Chassin was recognized for his work with the John M. Eisenberg Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award.
Prior to his tenure at The Joint Commission, Dr. Chassin was the Guggenheim Professor of Health Policy and founding Chairman of the Department of Health Policy at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Among other research accomplishments, Dr. Chassin established an NIH-funded center to study and ameliorate racial and ethnic healthcare disparities. He also served as the Executive Vice President for Excellence in Patient Care at Mount Sinai Medical Center. Previously, Dr. Chassin served as Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health. He is a board-certified internist, practiced emergency medicine for twelve years, and is a member of the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) of the National Academy of Sciences. He has authored or co-authored more than one hundred peer-reviewed publications and has been invited to speak to audiences around the world on various topics related to healthcare quality and patient safety.
Dr. Chassin received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Harvard University. He holds a master’s degree in public policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and a master’s degree in public health from UCLA.
JAMA Int Med, 2020
Getting Better at Measuring Hospital Mortality by Chassin MR.
Annals of Internal Medicine, 2017
Holding Providers Accountable for Health Care Outcomes by Baker DW and Chassin MR.
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2015
Beyond the Collaborative: Spreading Effective Improvement in Hand Hygiene Compliance by Chassin MR, Nether K, Mayer C, and Dickerson MF.
JAMA, 2015
Aiming Higher to Enhance Professionalism Beyond Accreditation and Certification by Chassin MR and Baker DW.
Milbank Quarterly, 2013
High-Reliability Health Care: Getting There from Here by Chassin MR and Loeb JM.
Health Affairs, 2011
The Ongoing Quality Improvement Journey: Next Stop, High Reliability by Chassin MR and Loeb JM.