90-Day Leadership Acceleration Program
Superstar leaders can no doubt develop their leadership skills over time on their own. However, we have found that through intensive coaching and directional accountability, skills that may take a leader up to two years to develop to the next level, we can accelerate that learning process with this 90-day program. Each month focuses on a unique phase of the journey, culminating in visible changes in a leader’s skill level and project completion. Through a series of weekly coaching meetings, our highly experienced healthcare leaders guide your physician, administrative, or nursing executive through this intensive leadership development program for a flat fee of $2,000 per month for three months.
Here is our focus:
Month 1
During the first month of working with your highly valued leader, we focus on the framework for leadership effectiveness. Additionally, we consult supervisors of the leader to gain an understanding of the desired outcomes. Topics and frameworks in this phase partially include:
Leading across organizational boundaries
Becoming highly self-aware and utilizing that skill to influence organizational results
Gaining a deep understanding of what motivates individuals and teams
Organizing work for yourself and others to increase efficiency and results
Creating an interdependent versus independent culture
Setting expectations and managing at the appropriate level of oversight
Communicating from a results-centered paradigm
Month 2
During the second month of working with your leader, we integrate the frameworks from month 1 and the results of our extensive leadership assessment that compares your leader to an international database of other leaders. We incorporate 28 key leadership effectiveness attributes to move your leader to higher percentiles of effectiveness. In doing so, we:
Teach your leader to navigate areas of the organization that are generally outside of their immediate area of responsibility to create interdependent relationships
Challenge your leader to address barriers to communication, results, quality, executive presence, or other attributes that are lacking
We empower your leader, to become an effective organizer and implementer of work using our “Success Loop” as a proven framework for success
Month 3
During our final phase, we challenge your leader to demonstrate results by completing two to three critical projects. These projects are designed to be beneficial to your organization, challenging to your leader, and highly visible in their results. At the end of this phase, the leader participant, executive coach, and sponsoring executive meet remotely to discuss the results, provide feedback and recognize the leader for their accomplishments.
NEW: Engagement Acceleration Program - we now have a 90-day program that teaches leaders how to improve the engagement of their area of responsibility and create a culture of engagement. It follows the same structure as the Leadership Acceleration Program but with a specific focus on the science of employee engagement. Contact us for more information.