Our Authors:
M. Michael Shabot, MD, FACS, FCCM
ACHE, 2022
World Patient Safety Day: Learning from Airlines by Michael Shabot, MD, FACS, FCCM.
Journal of Healthcare Management, 2019
Zeroing In on High Reliability in Healthcare by Michael Shabot, MD, FACS, FCCM.
AACN Advanced Critical Care, 2019
Optimizing Fail-Safe Use of Complex Medical Devices by Hercules P, Shabot MM, Ryan T, and Ratcliff S.
Healthcare Executive, 2018
Sustaining A Safety Culture by Buell JM.
ACHE, 2018
High-Reliability Patient Safety Podcast with Shabot MM, Easedown J, and Uejima B.
Optimal Resources for Surgical Quality and Safety, 2017
“Safety and Reliability” in Optimal Resources for Surgical Quality and Safety (Hoyt D, Ko C, Meredith W, Cherry R) by Shabot MM and Clarke JC.
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2016
Using the Targeted Solutions Tool to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance by Shabot MM, Chassin MR, France AC, Inurria J, Kendrick J, and Schmaltz SR.
BMJ Quality & Safety, 2015
New Tools for High Reliability Healthcare (Editorial for “Role of Cognition in Generating and Mitigating Clinical Errors”) by M. Michael Shabot, MD, FACS, FCCM.
Healthcare Executive, 2015
American Journal of Infection Control, 2014
Using Standardized Evidence-Based Instrument Care as part of a Comprehensive Program to Achieve Zero Surgical Site Infections by Dekay K, Morrison C, Kennedy V, France AC, Espinoza C, Butler J, Inurria J and Shabot MM.
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2013
Memorial Hermann: High Reliability from Board to Bedside by Shabot MM, Monroe D, Inurria J, Garbade D, France AC.
Health & Hospital Networks, 2013
Engineering a Fail-Safe Health System by Sloan T.
Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012
Integrating Quality and Strategy in Health Care Organizations by Sadegh S, Barzi A, Mikhail O, and Shabot MM
Group Practice Journal, 2011
Our Journey to Zero Patient Harm by Shabot MM and Warneke M.
Modern Healthcare, 2011
A New Standard-Aim for Safety of Planes, Nuclear Plants by Wolterman D and Shabot MM.
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 2005
Automated Data Acquisition and Scoring for JCAHO ICU Core Measures by M. Michael Shabot, MD, FACS, FCCM.
Critical Care Clinic, 2005
The Electronic Medical Record, Safety, and Critical Care by Bria WF and Shabot MM.
Year Book of Surgery 2004
Impact of Wireless Clinical Alerts of Outcomes of Critically Ill Surgical Patients by Major K, Shabot MM, and Cunneen S.
The American Surgeon, 2002
Wireless Clinical Alerts and Patient Outcomes in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit by Major K, Shabot MM, and Cunneen S.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2001
Reducing the Frequency of Errors in Medicine Using Information Technology, by Bates DW, Cohen M, Leape LL, Overhage JM, Shabot MM, and Sheridan T.
HIMSS Journal, 1996
Achieving Measurable CQI Results by M. Michael Shabot, MD, FACS, FCCM.
Rod Brace, PhD
Systemness Taps the Power of Inter-dependence in Healthcare, Frontiers of Health Services Management (Summer 2021)
Systemness Taps the Power of Interdependence in Healthcare, Frontiers of Health Services Management by Stokes, Charles D. FACHE and Brace, Rod (Stokes, Charles D. FACHE; Brace, Rod Systemness Taps the Power of Interdependence in Healthcare, Frontiers of Health Services Management: Summer 2021 - Volume 37 - Issue 4 - p 17-27 doi: 10.1097/HAP.0000000000000110)
American College of Healthcare Executives, 2020
Adapting to Changing Roles (sign in required to read) by Rod Brace, Ph.D. and David James, MD, JD.
Healthcare Executive, 2019
Performance Evolution by Monroe, Douglas; Speer, Linda; and Brace, Rod.
American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management, 2018
Healthcare Employee Engagement in a High Reliability Organization by Rod Brace, Ph.D.
Leadership Conversations with Josh Reich and Casey Cease, 2018
Leadership Conversations: The Moral Responsibility of a Leader w\ Rod Brace (Guest) by Josh Reich, Casey Cease and Rod Brace
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 2017
A Review and Survey of Neurosurgeon–Hospital Relationships: Evolution and Options by Dong H. Kim, MD; Bernard Duco, JD; Daniel Wolterman, MBA, MHA; Charles Stokes, MHA; Rod Brace, PhD; Robert A. Solomon, MD; Nicholas Barbaro, MD; Richard Westmark, MD; David MacDougall, MD; James Bean, MD; Joanna O’Leary, PhD; Nicole Moayeri, MD; Ralph G. Dacey, Jr, MD; Mitchel S. Berger, MD; and Robert Harbaugh, MD.
Lucid Books, 2009
Four Conversations by Rod Brace, Ph.D.
Mark Chassin, MD, FACP, MPP, MPH
Getting Better at Measuring Hospital Mortality by Chassin MR.
JAMA Int Med, 2020
Annals of Internal Medicine, 2017
Holding Providers Accountable for Health Care Outcomes by Baker DW and Chassin MR.
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2015
Beyond the Collaborative: Spreading Effective Improvement in Hand Hygiene Compliance by Chassin MR, Nether K, Mayer C, and Dickerson MF.
JAMA, 2015
Aiming Higher to Enhance Professionalism Beyond Accreditation and Certification by Chassin MR and Baker DW.
Milbank Quarterly, 2013
High-Reliability Health Care: Getting There from Here by Chassin MR and Loeb JM.
Health Affairs, 2011
The Ongoing Quality Improvement Journey: Next Stop, High Reliability by Chassin MR and Loeb JM.